A groundbreaking collaboration with renowned digital artist Luke Halls, taking a bold step into the future. Exploring themes of geoengineering, AI empowerment, and physics-defying technologies, this new collection of 10 limited-edition designs for Johnnie Walker London re-imagines a prosperous and vibrant future society that has transformed urban landscapes and skylines, embracing new scientific developments. to push the limits of what is possible.
Luke Halls’ illustration of London in the 23rd century explores the theme of AI-powered cities, reimagining the UK’s capital as a wind-powered metropolis. Its layers of classical architecture are complemented by light geometric skyscrapers of steel and glass mirrors. Multi-layered green spaces and air parks climb its exteriors, as well as lining the banks of the Thames and covering its bridges. Skytrains and flying “peak buses” evolved from the city’s iconic red double-deckers speeding between these glowing towers on the skyrails, providing the heartbeat of the city and allowing rapid transit from the zones 1 to 67.
This collection includes cities like London, Hainan, Taipei, Mexico City, Seoul, Sydney, Bangkok, Berlin, Singapore, and of course Mars.
Discover a rich world of flavors while being transported to this world of 2220 by scanning an NFC on the front of the bottle with your smartphone.